Spirit Day Fundraising Request

This section is for Spirit Day Fundraising Request Only. If you would like a reservation, please click"Back", then select "Reserve". Thank you. López would love the opportunity to build our partnership by hosting one or more Fundraising Spirit Days. It is a great way for families and faculty to engage outside of school and build teamwork. Available Monday -Wednesday. Simply inform your community to relax and visit López for lunch or dinner while also giving back to the school. Once the school supporters arrive at the restaurant, they must let the server or cashier they are there for your school or organization. We will tally up all the receipts from attendees and 20% of the sales will be donated to your organization. Also, we ask that your supporters write their name and phone number on their receipt for a chance to win a López $30 Gift Card. When dining, it will not be in a private area but rather sat in the dining room.